First, the big announcement: While we know that travel is still highly restricted, until you can come and visit, we've been updating and refreshing our website, so you can stay home, stay safe and still shop our collection During these COVID-19 days, expect a few changes: *Due to social distancing, a maximum of 2 persons at a time. *Hand sanitizer is available for every customer to use. If you would like to try any of our pieces on, you will have to sanitize you hands *We will gladly help with any of you selections, but ask that you not pick anything up without asking. *We will clean and sanitize after each customer. *For now, masks are encouraged, but optional. Don't be surprised...
Hi all, we are certainly facing some challenging times.
Most important for everyone is to stay safe, stay home and social distance. We at The Blue Hound are hoping that your family and friends are healthy and if not, that they are recovering quickly.
And, of course, a huge thank you to the medical professionals around the world fighting on the front lines.
While we were fully expecting to reopen our Amsterdam shop in April, we will wait and follow the government's guidance before moving forward. For now (as long as we are permitted), we will continue to ship orders placed on our website.
If you have any questions at all, please contact us.